Rosalie Chung

RPN, Credential Mental Health Nurse

Rosalie has been working in both public and private mental health program over18years.
She has extensive experience in eating disorder, drug addiction and recovery program as a
mental health nurse. She provides face to face counselling, short-term focused psychological
interventions base on acceptance and commitment therapy module. Address personal issue
in a respectful, empathic, non-judgemental way.

Rosalie is working in collaboration with the client’s general practitioner and/or psychiatrist
and other services involved in the client’s care. Comprehensive coordinated support for
people with complex mental illness and ongoing primary support needs.

As a contractor of CAREinMIND:
CAREinMIND provides access to a range of free mental health services in the north western
Melbourne area. It is a free mental health services for people of all ages who:

  • Are unable to afford (or are ineligible for) other local services
  • Are experiencing a level of mental health stress from mild to severe
  • Live, work or study in the north western Melbourne area